Yesterday, we met with all the partners of PlastTrack at GEOMAR in Kiel. We had a lot to discuss regarding the detection of micro- and nanoplastics. The discussion covered topics like sample preparation and purification, particle sizing, and various approaches to identify and characterize plastics. Each partner had a different viewpoint on the detection process, including determining the size and number of particles, their chemical composition after degradation, and the health aspects that will be tested on living cells. We also discussed how to approach different stakeholders to generate awareness and bridge methodological gaps.
Our intense discussions brought us closer to finding detection tools and preparation methods suitable for field and laboratory analysis of micro and nanoplastics in water. We are planning a field trip in June, organized by GEOMAR, with the ship Alkor. This trip will allow us to test specific measurements live on board.
To wrap up the day, we took a tour of some of GEOMAR’s labs and the storage room where they store the equipment for their next trips to the world’s oceans.
Thanks to all our partners, especially the Team from GEOMAR with Anja Engel, Stefan Dittmar and Sandra Golde for this perfect arrangement and @Sebastian Primpke and Lisa Roscher from AWI, Bjarke Jørgensen and Bjarke Jensen from NEWTEC, Jonathan Brewer and Nicoline Daugård from DaMBIC, Emilie Christiansen from CLEAN and Jacek Fiutowski, Ayoub Laghrissi, Arkadiusz Goszczak and Horst-Günter Rubahn from SDU NanoSYD.
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